Adaptation to society and human behaviors ofmodern age: A contemporary study
سماج اور جدید انسانی رویوں میں تطابق: ایک عصری مطالعہ
Society, man, attitudes, compatibility, modernity, Muslim societyAbstract
The social animal is the discovery characteristic of man. Sociologists have long since discovered the secret that man is also an animal by nature. The most significant difference between this animal and that of other human beings is its ability to speak. However, in the thick of the veil of religious ideology, it has been evident from the beginning that man has two traits: one is that he possesses good qualities, and this trait is in fact his characteristic by which he can join the ranks of angels. Is. The second characteristic is man's bad deeds. He becomes so close to evil and wickedness that his basic identity, that is, humanity, is erased. At some point, he is also described as being worse than an animal. (In the language of the great Qur'an, Asfal Al-Safflin) Therefore, the people of our time are not free from these two attributes. We are human, but our humanity is manifested more by our character and good qualities than by our speech. We are beasts, but this beastliness is reflected in our evil traits. However, it is also a fact that whether a person is a character or a narrator, in both cases he needs a society, he needs a collective life, he needs rules and regulations and guidance. Perhaps this is the reason why man before us Formed the society then formulated the state structure to maintain the collective form of that society. Titles such as government, state, kingdom, monarchy, monarchy, dictatorship, democracy and caliphate were introduced to save this particular body. The article in question explains society, especially Muslim society, and modern human attitudes, and examines human life, collective life, and general attitudes in detail.