کا تحقیقی و تنقیدی جائزہ “Muhammad the Man and his faith” by”Tor Andrae”
کا تحقیقی و تنقیدی جائزہ “Muhammad the Man and his faith” by”Tor Andrae”
Tor Andrae was born on 9th July, 1885 in Vcna. He was a Swedish Scholar
of comparative religion and Bishop of linkoping from 1936. Tor Andrae studied
theology at lppsala University. He completed his PhD in 1917. He became professor
of History of Religion at the university college of Stockholm. As a historian of
religion, his particular interest lay in the history of Isalm, particularly its Jewish and
Christian origin, and in the psychology of the religion.
Tor Andrae wrote "Mohammad, Sein Leben und Sein Glaube" in I932 in
German language, which is translated in English by Theophil Menzel in 1935
published by New York press.
This book consist of seven chapters. The writer argued at several places in
this book that the fundamental ideas of Islam were borrowed from the Aiblical
religion is a fact which required no further discussion. Tue religion of the Prophet
both in its fo1m of expression and in its spirit, is related to the dominant piety of the
Syrian Churches.
Islam is a colete and an ideal religion which provide guidance for all aspects
of life. Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.\\I) is the last prophet of Allah and the Seerah of the
Prophet is an authentic source of Islam.
Like all other oricntalists Tor Andrae tried again and agai n to prove isalm and ambi
guous religion and raised objections on the life of the Prophet Muhammad
(S.A.W). Sometimes he tried to proof that the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) was an
insignificant person in Makkah and fought only for the attainment of power. But All
the objections by Tor Andrae on the Social, Econc>mical, Religious and attainment
of power. But All the objections by Tor Andrae on the Social, Econc>mical,
Religious and Family life of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) are against the
historical facts.
The life of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) based on the completion of the
Social objecti ves. He totally destroyed the old traditions and focused on the equal i
ty of human beings. The Seerah of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) is a role model
for all Humanity. Through this a11icle, it is tried that all the objections raised by Tor
Andrae are baseless and alterations in Seerah of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) is