منھج الشیخ أمین احسن الاصلاحی فی تقریرالمسائل الفقییۃ فی تفسیرہ فی تدبر القرآن
منھج الشیخ أمین احسن الاصلاحی فی تقریرالمسائل الفقییۃ فی تفسیرہ فی تدبر القرآن
In this artical first of alJ i explained the litral and fonal meaning of
Fiqh.than I tried to explor the method of Moulana Amin Ahsan IslaHi about fiqh in
his tfsir"Tadabbar-e-Quran. Most of the time Islahi keep concentration to expIain
what is exect the Quranic verses based upon it and donol go in detail.And most of
time hi depend upon hin mental aproch and do not cout hadeth of the Prophet peace
be upon hin. the understaning of the Holy quran is to much difficult without the help
of the Hadeath of the Prophet.In this artical I tried to explained the Islahi,s point of
view about fiqh with detail and exempals from his tatsir.And poined out with
example where hiignor the Hadeath and trusted upon his intelecutal approch.