الشیخ احمد رضا و ثقافۃ الادبیۃ و آثارھا
الشیخ احمد رضا و ثقافۃ الادبیۃ و آثارھا
Maulana Aluned Raza Khan (1856-1921) is a well known
scholar in the Islamic world, particularly in Indi an subcontinent due to
his vast knowledge of Islamic law, religion, philosophy, etc. He was
considered an authority in the field of science, mathematics, astrology,
physics, numerology and many more. It is said that he was having the
large amount of knowledge of more than 50 diverse subjects. He is an
author of more than I000 books on distinct topics.
Many people have discussed his contribution in various fields but
unfortunately, his contiibution for the defense of Tauheed belief had
not been recognized. This research is an effort to elaborate the services
of Maulana Ahmed Raza Khan for the defense and promotion of
Tauheed belief.
This article starts with the explanation of views of Maulana
Ahmed Raza Khan about the Tauheed, which he had ·written in his
booklet "I'itqad-ul-Ahbaab fil Jameel wal Mustafa wal Aal wal
Ashaab". In addition to it, his work, whlch he has done for the defense
of Tauheed had also been explained.
It is quite obvious from the following few examples that he did a
commendable job for the defense of Tauheed in hls lite time.
1. His translation of Quran is full of praises of Allah in every verse. This
style is not available in any other contemporary Quran translations.
2. In hls life, some Islamic scholars started a new discussion on the authority
of Allah to tell a lie. lie wrote a booklet named, "Subhan-as-
subbooh-an aib- Ka:t.ib Maqbooh" to ex.plain the right view of Islam
and condemned the false ideas of some Islamic scholars.
3. He wrote a comprehensive article, named "Alzubda-Tuz-Zakia-
Le Tahreerni Sujood-it- Tahiyyah" to condemn the views of an
.Islamic scholar, who was in favor of Sajdah for respect.
4. A group or lslam1c scholars churned that Maulana Ahmed Raza
considered knowledge of Hazrat Muhammad (Peace be upon him) equal
to the knowledge of Allah. Maulana Ahmed Raza Khan rejected this
claim and wrote a book "Al-Dault Al-Makkia bil Maadtil -Ghaibia" in
the favor of his ideas.
5. Some contemporary scholars, who were influenced by Aryan ideology,
developed a new idea about the physical presence of Allah.
6. Maulana Ahmed Raza Khan wrote a comprehensive booklet "Salja-Al
sadr Le-Iman-il-Qadr" to explain Taqdeer and elaborated the right
views_in the light of Quran and Hadith.
7. It is very common criticism on Maulana Ahmed Raza Khan that he
promoted the worship of saints and sajdah to graves. But the true
picture is quite different. Maulana Ahmed Raza Khan has completely
rejected this blan1e. He has advised to his followers many times in his
different sennons not to do any prostrate to any grave. In addition, he
has stopped the Muslims to touch the boundary wall of Mazar Shareef
of Hazrat Muhammad (Peace be upon him).
8. During his period, some people ·presented their views regarding rain
system. They considered ihat rain is due to the move1nent of stars in
the sky. Maulana Ahmed Raza Khan condemned these views and wrote
that rain is onl y with the order of Allah.
9. Maulana Ahmed Raza Khan was a great opponent of philosopher who
were engaged in the propagation of secularism. We see a book "Al Kalen1a-ul-
Mulhama" written by Maulana AJuned Raza Khan in the favor of Tauheed. In
which he has successfully nied to ren1ove the misunderstandings of secular
l0. He was much careful about the words being used for Allah. For example, he advised
not to use any word, which may have any impression of disrespect for Allah e.g.
Allah Mian or plural word for Allah and use of words giving meaning of feminine
Considering all his work, we can conclude that he was a real promoters of fauheed in
sub-continent and there is no proof about the blames of some people that he
introduced shirk and new ways (bidaat) in Islam