Contribution of Arab Scholars towards Poetics of Aristotle and its Influence onModern Literary Arabic Criticism

اسھام العلما العرب فی ترجمات بوطیقا لارسطو واثرہ فی النقد الادبی العربی الحدیث


  • Muhammad Shareef Siyalvi UoK



It is a known fact that Aristotle of Greek was the first rank encyclopaedic scholar and founder of Philosophical academia whose impact and influence can be perceived across the centuries. His significance of thoughts is still alive vigorously. Not only the philosophy, physical sciences with all its diversity and versatality, his contribution towards literature in form of his two treastisese i.e. Rhetoric and "POETICS" can be really termed foundation of literary criticism. His book Rhetoric has been studied thoroughly since it provided the basic literary principles to the western literature. However his "POETICS" could not occupv the duc attention as compared to Rhetoric. rrhat is why by selection of this topic I tried in this article to explore the pertinient impact of his book "POETICS" upon the modern Arabic literature in its various aspects and forms of literature in sense of poetry and prose either directly or Via wcstcrn literature. In this context I have given a brief account of the translations of this treatise i-e "POETICS" in various languages particularly in Arabic. The main focus is to study the area of literary traditions of Arab in 20th century significantly influenced by the critical views and principles set by Aristotle in his book "POETICS".





How to Cite

Siyalvi, M. S. (2018). Contribution of Arab Scholars towards Poetics of Aristotle and its Influence onModern Literary Arabic Criticism: اسھام العلما العرب فی ترجمات بوطیقا لارسطو واثرہ فی النقد الادبی العربی الحدیث. The Islamic Culture "As-Saqafat-Ul Islamia" الثقافة الإسلامية - Research Journal - Sheikh Zayed Islamic Centre, University of Karachi, (24).