The Miracle Of The Holy Quran Through Brevity

إعجاز القرآن الكريم من جهة الإيجاز دراسة بلاغية


  • Dr. Asif Mehmood karachi university
  • Dr. Muhammad Nawaz



The Holy Quran'n a divine book in Arabic is one of the richest and and most eloquent living languages of the world it has an ability to convey a very comprehensive sense in a very concise manner.The Holy Qura'an itself particularly has a status of miracle due to its brevity and concise manner of statement. it has adopted a way telling great commodes and event in a few words.this manner of speaking by tha Quran is said to be a miracle by linguists and literary figures.How ever ,there are questions raised against it.This study is an answer to the claims made against the brevity eloquence of the Holy Quran.




How to Cite

Mehmood, D. A., & Nawaz, D. M. (2016). The Miracle Of The Holy Quran Through Brevity: إعجاز القرآن الكريم من جهة الإيجاز دراسة بلاغية. The Islamic Culture "As-Saqafat-Ul Islamia" الثقافة الإسلامية - Research Journal - Sheikh Zayed Islamic Centre, University of Karachi, (35), 220–228.